English workshop absence

Voor wie?

This training is developed for managers and employers who want to learn how to conduct effective absence interviews. What do's and don’ts should you be aware of, and what about the Gatekeepers Act? In just half a day, you'll be well-prepared to handle absenteeism!


Upon completion of this training, as a manager or employer, you'll be equipped to conduct meaningful conversations with your sick employees. Together, you can quickly and purposefully improve employability! So, from a legal standpoint, you'll be well-versed in conducting correct and careful absence interviews.


The training program will be customized based on your existing knowledge and questions. The training will be given online via Teams. 

First, we'll delve into the legislation surrounding absenteeism and its implications for your organization. What leads an employee to report sick? What steps can you take to prevent absenteeism? What are the associated costs? We will then extensively cover the Gatekeepers Act and discuss the responsibilities in case of absenteeism. How do you navigate the absenteeism system? What roles do you and your employee play, and how does communication flow between you, your employee, the absence manager, and the company doctor? How are these roles divided?

We will also address the topics that may arise during an interview. What are result-oriented conversation techniques? What are the do's and don'ts during a conversation? What attitude and behavior are crucial? How frequently should you communicate with your employee, and what are the pitfalls related to the AVG/GDPR and legal regulations? Lastly, how do you foster and maintain a pleasant and healthy working atmosphere in your company?!

donderdag 17 april 2025
Training 13:00 - 16:00
Kosten € 295,00 per persoon

Click here right under More information. There, you can easily complete your registration. Normally, you can also pay for the training immediately through iDeal, but that is currently not possible due to a malfunction with our payment provider. After your registration, you will receive an invoice. We will send you the Teams invitation well in advance of the start!


